Welcome to my online portfolio.
All of the digital woodcuts and several of the oil landscapes are available as limited edition prints. To inquire about purchasing a print, contact me via phone (413) 458-0056 or email. To inquire about paintings which are available for sale, please contact me or visit The Harrison Gallery.
Workshop Schedule
July 15–19 The Bascom Center; Highlands, North Carolina. www.thebascom.org
August 1–2 The Berkshire Botanical Garden; Stockbridge, Mass. www.berkshirebotanical.org
August 19–21 Peninsula School of Art; Fish Creek, Wisconsin www.peninsulaartschool.com
October 4–6 Menaggio Youth Hostel; Lake Como, Italy www.lakecomohostel.com
February 1–8 Casa de los Artistas; Boca de Tomatlan, Mexico www.ArtWorkshopVacations.com
Sept. 21–27 Hudson River Valley Art Workshops; Greenville, New York www.artworkshops.com
(for more information on workshops. . . click here )
Upcoming Exhibitions ~ 2013
April 13 - May 3 Salon International 2013, Greenhouse Gallery, San Antonio TX; group show
September The Harrison Gallery. one-man show Opening Saturday, Sept. 7, 5:00 to 7:00 pm.